1. Annisa Wahyu Febrianti ( 5 )
  2. Fauzan Adima ( 15 )
  3. Muhammad Hilal Farohi ( 25 )
  4. Surya Waskita ( 35 )

Class Of 1-41

My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, but ask what you can do for your country.

John F. Kennedy



The rapid development of the world economy has increased the level of interdependent relations and sharpened competition which has increasingly complicated development strategies that rely on exports on the one hand, this is a limiting challenge and constraint. On the other hand, this is a new opportunity that can be utilized for the successful implementation of development for developing and developing countries. The world economy has changed since the seventies until the 2000s which are fundamental or structural in nature and have long-term or conjunctural tendencies. An interesting development whose term is very popular lately is “Globalization”.

Symptoms of globalization occur in financial activities, production, investment, and trade which then affect the governance of economic relations between nations. The process of globalization has increased the level of interdependent relations between countries, and even led to the process of unification of the world economy so that the boundaries between countries in various practices of the business world / business seemed to be no longer valid.

In the current era of globalization, appropriate efforts are needed to filter out the negative effects of globalization and efforts are needed to maximize the potential of the Indonesian nation as a developing country so that one day it becomes a nation of its own and a superior nation. In our opinion there are several ways to maximize the potential of a country to become a developed and superior country.

1. Strengthening Economic Resistance For Growth The Quality

Economic development is directed at increasing resilience the economy shown by ability in the management of economic resources, and in using these resources to producing value-added goods and services high to meet the domestic market and export. The results are expected to be encouraging demonstrated quality growth with the sustainability of carrying capacity of resources the economy used to increase welfare fairly and equally. preliminary Economic development will be implemented through two approaches, namely: management economic resources, and value enhancement added economy.

SOURCE :—perekonomian-sepanjang-2019-suram

Both of these approaches become the basis for synergy and policy integration cross-sector which includes the food sector and agriculture, maritime and fisheries, industry, tourism, the creative economy and the digital economy. The implementation of these two focuses will be supported with the improvement of data to become a reference monitoring and evaluating development achievements, and improving the quality of policies.

2. Improving Quality And Competitive Human Resources

Indonesia’s population structure is indicated by high proportion of the population of productive age. On in 2018, the population of productive age in Indonesia reached 68.6 percent or 181.3 million with dependency rates for young and old are low, which is 45.7. Changes in population structure this will open opportunities for Indonesia to get a demographic bonus (demographic dividend) which is in the medium term and long will encourage economic growth high and deliver Indonesia to be middle to upper income countries.


Bonus this demographic will be obtained with prerequisites the main availability of human resources quality and competitiveness. Indonesia’s development is aimed at forming quality human resources and competitive, namely human resources who are healthy and smart, adaptive, innovative, skilled, and character.

To achieve this goal, human development policy directed at population control and strengthening governance population, fulfillment of basic services and social protection, improving the quality of children, women and youth, poverty alleviation, and increasing productivity and competitiveness workforce. Human development policy This is done based on a cycle approach lively and inclusive, including paying attention the needs of the elderly as well as the population people with disabilities.

3. Strengthening Infrastructure To Support Development Basic Economy & Service

Infrastructure development is wrong one strategic choice in order to accelerate Indonesia’s economic growth and equity. The attention of the government in infrastructure in last few years have contributed to improving the quality of infrastructure in Indonesia. However, the competitiveness of Indonesia’s infrastructure still needs to be improved. The Global The 2018 Competitiveness Report puts infrastructure competitiveness position at position 71, still left behind compared to ASEAN countries others, such as Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand.

Some things still need acceleration among others, the development of driving infrastructure economy, even distribution of basic services throughout Indonesia, and infrastructure development for sustaining the development of various cities in tandem with urbanization in Indonesia. For that on infrastructure development will be prioritized on three main focuses, viz Infrastructure for Equitable Development, Infrastructure for Economic Development, and Infrastructure for Urban Development. Development on these three main focuses will be supported by energy development, electricity, and the implementation of transformation.

4. Strengthening Polhukam Stability And Transformation Public Service

Political, Legal, Defense and Development Security (Polhukhankam) Indonesia directed towards political and legal institutions established. The condition is indicated by the realization of democratic consolidation; realized rule of law, upholding human rights and professional bureaucracy; the creation of a sense of security and peace for all people; and maintaining integrity territory of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia and the sovereignty of the country from various threats, both from within and outside the country.


These conditions is a “necessary condition” to support the implementation of other fields of development. In presenting “necessary conditions”, Development Polhukhankam pays attention to developments which occurred at home and abroad. Some issues the domestic thing to watch out for is intolerance, procedural democracy, reform gap bureaucracy, corrupt behavior, and potential threats which disturbs security and sovereignty country.

At the global level, the issue needs to be attention is a shift in political gravity international shift in the arena of the country’s fight big into seascape, deglobalization and populism which led to several unilateral policies state, instability in the Middle East region. there are five directions Polhukhankam Development policy,Democratic Consolidation, Policy Optimization Foreign Affairs, a Solid National Legal System, Bureaucratic Institutional Reform, and Maintaining National Security Stability.

Source :

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